Tuesday, August 9, 2011

All dressed up with the wrong accessories

Women are known for taking a long time to get ready.  Yes, men sometimes complain about this fact but it's unlikely to change.  You have to understand all that goes into the entire process.  There's hair, clothing, make-up, accessories, skincare and so many details involved in just those areas alone.  Yes we bought all of those clothes in the closet; so technically we should like all of them.  But, we must choose the perfect outfit for the occasion and it must be one that makes us feel beautiful.  And it's not just the outfit that must be considered.  A woman has to choose just the right underwear to compliment the outfit she's wearing, conceal pantylines, boost bosoms and give her that extra little umph.  I really don't think men have any idea the lengths women go to to stay beautiful, get glam and turn heads.  Most men would be appalled and frightened at hair removal alone! 

So, you can understand why "fine" is not the answer we're looking for when we ask how we look. 

As a woman, I understand all of this- the preparation, the extra swing in our hips, smile on our lips and stride in our steps when all that preparation does not go unnoticed.  What I do not understand is why a woman would go to all that trouble to look flawless and fabulous only to ruin her look with a "stank" attitude when she receives attention.  I see it and hear about it all of the time.  Women know they look good going out for a night on the town with their girlfriends but when they are approached by a man, especially one who is not their ideal, but any man really, the attitude goes full tilt.  A man may approach just to say hello or give her a compliment.  Her eyes roll, head turns and her neck may even snap as if she is annoyed that this lowly, trifling man (whom she knows nothing about) had the audacity to approach her majesty when he should have known to just admire her from afar like the rest of the peasants.  Instead of smiling and saying thank you, she mutters something to make sure he knows that his attention is more unwelcome than a mink coat in the desert. 

This may be a problem with all women but I am speaking specifically to my African American sisters who seem to be angry with attitude for no reason.  Usually when someone is recounting one of these stories to me or when I observe it firsthand, I'm thinking, "Why in the heck didn't you just wear sweatpants and a t-shirt or better yet just stay home?"  That's guaranteed to keep all the undesirables far away from you.  It's just not logical.  No one is saying you have to marry or even date every man who speaks to you.  Just have some common courtesy to treat every man, every person with respect and kindness.  Practice (yes, practice) being gracious, feminine, open and approachable.  If these qualities do not come naturally to you, you must practice.  Every compliment received and word spoken to you is an opportunity to practice- and improve your karma.

Although these women may act as if the world revolves around them and they are it on a stick, I tend to think that internally they feel quite the opposite.  If I feel good about myself and who I am there's no need to lash out at other people.  There's a serious lack of self-love going on in my opinion- yes, and in some cases a bit of narcissism and snobbery.  I don't care how good you think you look, how expensive your clothes are or how perfect your beauty regimen is- it's all ruined by a negative, angry attitude.  Love, joy, gratitude and kindness must be abundant within to radiate without and that radiance is the most priceless fashion accessory we can adorn ourselves with.

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